RoundWorms in Dogs and Kids

by Dana
(Jacksonville, NC)

We are fostering 2 puppies (6 months and 9 months) from our local shelter who both have round worm. I have found them in their stool as they both are not house trained. Tonight we have also found what looks like dead worms on the blankets in their crates. My question is how will this affect our kids? The dogs lick themselves to clean or lick and clean each other then play. If they interact or lick our kids will they contract the round worm? The worms we are seeing are very small, about the size of rice, some a bit bigger, but it's worrying us.

Editor Suggestion

Hi Dana,

You are right to be concerned.

Round worms can potentially be transmitted to humans, especially children, who may have more frequent contact with infected dogs and soil. The main way humans can become infected is through accidental ingestion of roundworm eggs from contaminated soil or surfaces.

To reduce the risk of transmission to your kids, consider taking the following precautions:

- Make sure the puppies receive proper treatment for the roundworm infection. Consult with a veterinarian to ensure they are prescribed the right deworming medication, and follow the treatment schedule as advised.

- Clean up the puppies' stool as soon as possible and dispose of it safely. Roundworm eggs can be shed in the stool and contaminate the environment.

- Wash your hands, your kids' hands, and the puppies' paws with soap and water frequently, especially after handling the puppies or cleaning up their stool.
Keep your kids' play areas separate from the areas where the puppies spend time, and clean these areas regularly.

- Teach your kids not to put their hands in their mouths after playing with the puppies, and make sure they wash their hands thoroughly after interacting with the dogs.

- Wash the puppies' bedding, toys, and food bowls regularly to minimize the risk of contamination.

Once the puppies have been treated and are confirmed to be free of roundworms, the risk of transmission to your family should decrease significantly. Always consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns about the health of your pets or potential risks to your family.


Editor and Publisher
Dog Health Guide

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