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Has retirement got boring? Or lonely? I don’t blame you. Getting a dog can fix both of those problems and plenty more. Having a ball of fur to hug or play with as an every day companion can lower blood pressure during stressful situations, are at lower risk of heart disease, make fewer visits to the doctor after 65 and generally live longer. That’s not to mention the mental health benefits like a lower rate of depression, anxiety, or loneliness.
If you’re thinking of getting a furry pal to join you, but are unsure of what breeds would suit, you’re in luck. Read on to find out about the top recommendations of breeds for senior citizens.
Bichon Frise

For a joyful and affectionate pooch, you might want to look at the Bichon Frise. This little ball of fluff with its love of people will adapt fine to a small space and city walks. They would need a garden or a nearby park to run around in every day, but they’re small stature makes them ideal to handle and their playful demeanor makes them a joy to be around.
Unfortunately, the other side of this people loving coin is separation and anxiety, and therefore, a lot of barking or you would have to keep them with you a lot.
Affection: High
Energy: Medium
Kid-Friendly: High
Shedding: Low
Cavalier Kings Charles Spaniel

The Peter Pan of dogs, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is like a puppy that never grows up. The affectionate pup is happiest snuggling into its owner. Easy to handle and train due to its intelligence and small stature, the Spaniel is well-suited to apartment living and isn’t too demanding or hyperactive. They enjoy their daily walks but, much like the aristocracy of their namesake, have a regiment grooming routine that may call for regular visits to the groomer.
Affection: High
Energy: Medium
Kid-Friendly: High
Shedding: Medium
French Bulldog

Going even smaller, consider a French bulldog. It’s hard to imagine such a big personality in there and even harder to imagine being unhappy around one. They are active dogs in a sense. They have a bright flame that will quickly burn out, so they are content with moderate daily exercise then snuggle for the rest of their day. And they have loads of snuggles to give.
They are happy in small spaces, easy to train with food and love playing with kids.
Affection: High
Energy: Medium
Kid-Friendly: Medium
Shedding: Medium

A surprising addition to this list, surely, the Greyhound or Whippet, is a racing dog that is actually quite calm. They will be content to stay on the couch most of the time if they’re given some daily exercise in the morning. They like a daily walk and the odd chance to run about but are mostly content to lounge on the sofa all day. They are very responsive to training which makes them easy to handle. Their main perk is their short coat which is easy to clean and their quiet demeanor. Plus, retired race dogs will be used to being in a crate when necessary.
All this makes for a situation known as the best of both worlds: a large and quiet dog with the energy and maintenance of a small dog.
Affection: High
Energy: Medium
Kid-Friendly: High
Shedding: Medium

The Pug is a people-pleaser who matches their owner’s energy. They are an intensely loving breed who are content to sit in your lap and give kisses after a moderate amount of exercise. Daily walks and some active play will be enough to keep them calm and in fact they are prone to over-exercising.
But if you are in the habit of refilling your grandchildren’s plate or buying their love with a lollipop, reconsider the Pug. Pug’s love food and will not say no if you’re overfeeding them which can lead to health problems. Consider adding bone broth for dogs to their diet to avoid long-term issues.
Affection: High
Energy: Medium
Kid-Friendly: High
Shedding: High

If you like the idea of a tiny dog, consider the 3-7-pound Pomeranian. Small enough to carry in a bag, this pup is bursting with personality. The sassy, posing pup is most at peace with their companion, showing as much affection as possible. They will love dozing in your lap or playing with toys. They need routine exercise in daily walks and frequent playtime, but they don’t need much space to run around in circles, making them suitable for apartment and city living.
They do have a long coat that will need brushing several times a week and may require periodical grooming. Rough handling by children can often injure them so is not recommended.
Affection: High
Energy: Medium
Kid-Friendly: Low
Shedding: High
Pembroke Welsh Corgi

If you’re looking for a dog to keep you company, but need something low energy, look to the favorite of the Queen of England: The Corgi. A medium dog with a wiggle that won’t quit, the corgi needs routine exercise, but daily walks are enough for them. They are good with people of all ages including the grandkids that might pop by. On top of that, they have minimal grooming needs.
Small enough to jump into your lap, Corgis are introverts that need to be coaxed out of their shell, like most of us, but once they’re out, you’ll know it.
Affection: High
Energy: Medium
Kid-Friendly: High
Trainability: Medium

One of the highest in terms of intelligence, the Poodle is one of the most popular. Their hypoallergenic coat has caused them to be crossed with many different breeds, which means a lot more options for you beyond simply the traditional Poodle. They can even come in a size that suits you: tiny toy, small miniature, or larger standard Poodle. These fashionistas are far from the snobbish idea that comes with that term and are in fact affectionate and loyal companions. They adapt well to any household due to their intelligence and are happy with daily walks to keep them exercised.
Affection: High
Energy: Medium
Kid-Friendly: High
Shedding: Low
Shih Tzu

Coming from the Chinese word for “lion”, this small dog houses a few personality traits of the king of the jungle beyond its mane-like coat. The noble Shih Tzu can be stubborn but also calm. This hypoallergenic breed will be content to sit on your lap after their daily walks and some playtime. They adapt well to apartment and city life but they don’t do well in the heat due to their “mane” which is forever growing, making grooming an absolute necessity.
Affection: High
Energy: Medium
Kid-Friendly: High
Shedding: Medium
West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland Terrier are just as small but less fragile than the Pomeranian or Maltese. They are very loyal and loving with their lively shows of affection. The naturally curious and alert Westie is lively and in-your-face, but will not be too energetic, content with routine moderate exercise. Not necessarily lap dogs, the Westie will nevertheless want to keep you near and play games.
They also have a love of digging, so are not recommended for anyone with a precious green finger.
Affection: High
Energy: Medium
Kid-Friendly: High
Shedding: Low
Breeds that are less suited to senior citizens will generally be ones with a lot of energy. Unless you live an especially active lifestyle, avoid breeds such as Border Collies or Huskies. Larger dogs like Labradors or Golden Retrievers may be difficult to handle.