Dog Health Guide Blog. Tips for Treating Canine Illnesses and Disease

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Reader Question: Dog Has Large Red Patches on Belly – Possible Causes & What to Do

After applying the mousse

Dog’s Belly Covered in Large Red Patches – What Could Be Causing This?My dog has these large red patches on her belly on both sides. What is this, we were

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Managing a Dog's Severely Swollen eye: A Reader Asks If It Could Be Cancer

Reader Question on Managing a Dog's Swollen Eye:She's 13,14? Had a hysterectomy and lump from breast removed 5 or 6 years ago . Her eye grew huge . Then

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Treating a Dog’s Inflamed and Licked Paw Pad: A Reader’s Question and Practical Solutions

Reader Question on a Dog Pad Sore IssueShe has been licking this area on her pad for a few days. I didn’t notice it was that large. There is no blood,

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Managing Itchy, Smelly Skin Lesions in Dogs: Reader’s Question and Solutions

Practical Solutions for Chronic Itchy Skin Lesions in Dogs: A Response to a Reader's ExperienceMy dog gets elevated bumps on hips. They are itchy so he

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Dealing with Chronic Dog Skin Lesions. A Reader's Question and Detailed Treatment Suggestions


Reader Question: Chronic Dog Skin InfectionMy dog Taz has had this since November 3rd 2024. It started on his back about the size of a quarter. He had

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A Dry Sore on a Dog's :Leg

Dry Skin Sore on Dog Leg

Reader Question: There is a dry sore on my dog's leg, The sore is several years old and increasing in size. The area is dry and painless. What is it and

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Help for a Painful Paw

Reader Question: Limping Dog Piper is 3 1/2 yo Anatolian Shepard / pit mix who is 3 legged limping on her left front. The paw is visibly swollen both

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Scabies on me and my dogs what to do

Reader Question: My dog is scratching and has warts on his paws. The hair is also falling out. Suggestions from our editor: Hi Patricia, Based on the

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Canine Dental treatment With Underlying Kidney Disease

Reader Question: Concerns About Dog Kidney Disease and Dental Treatment Shih Tzu, age 10, no history of having any dental treatment or oral care of teeth.

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Identifying and Treating A Mysterious Wound on My Dog


Reader Question on Mystery Dog Wound: I recently lost one of my dogs to some sort of anaphylactic shock or related seizure. There were several what appeared

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The Best Tools To Keep Reactive Dogs Safe | Dog Health Guide

reactive german shepherd

How to manage your dog around things that trigger them. Having the right tools can make a big difference.

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Urgent Help Needed for Potentially Neglected Dog with Vomiting and Malnourishment Issues

It's my friends sister dog, I'm really worried when I first seen him he was very Malnourished. My friend moved in with his sister and has been trying to

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Brownish Raised Skin Lesion - Reader Question and Treatment Suggestions

Skin Lesion Near Arm Pit

Reader Question Regarding Lesion Near Front Armpit I Wonder what this skin condition is and if I should have it removed or treated with something. She

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Odd spot on Lower Abdomen

Site of abscess or a sebaceous cyst

Reader Question and Treatment Considerations Spot on Dog Abdomen I Found a spot on lower ab/groin area of 8 yo male lab. Lump under skin as well. Gave

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Unidentified Puppy Acne 12 weeks

Side of snout

Reader Question: Causes of Pimples on a Pups Skin Yoda is 12 weeks old and has been a healthy pup. But lately I've noticed these little white pimple like

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Games and Activities for Energetic Dogs | Dog Health Guide

Various games and activities tailored to keep your pup active, happy, and healthy.

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Suspected Lice on Puppy - Treatment Suggestions

Parasites on Puppy Skin

Parasites on Puppy Skin Reader Question On Treatment Options I just got my puppy and I think he is infested with lice. I’ve tried to go back to owner

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Lab Aggression Toward Children

Reader Question on How to Teach Dog Not to Attack Visiting Children and Behavioral Suggestions from Our Editor Reader Question: Why does my Lab attack

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Unidentified Skin Ulcer on Side - Causes and Treatment Options

Dog Skin Ulcer on Side

Reader Question: Causes, Identification and Treatment of a Dog Skin Ulcer on Side I just found this 20 cent piece size wound/ulcer on my dogs side.

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Reader Question and Home Treatment Suggestions: How to Treat an Ulcer on a Dog Leg

Lulu leg ulcer 11 year old female pug. Healthy girl, no medication

Reader Question: How Do You Treat a Dog Leg Ulcer at Home? My dog's name is Lulu with a leg ulcer 11 year old female pug. Healthy girl, no medication.

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