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Preliminary results from research suggests that a substantial proportion of pets in households of persons with COVID-19 (coronavirus) become infected. Evidence suggests that transmission moves from people to their pets and not the other way around.
A study from the University of Guelph examined dogs of owners who had tested positive or had been ill with COVID-19. 18 dogs were tested within two weeks of a confirmed coronavirus infection or symptoms in their owners.
Preliminary results indicate that a substantial proportion of pets in households of person with COVID-19 become infected according toDr. Dorothee Bienzle, a professor of veterniary pathology at the University of Guelph. The Center for Disease Control confirms this conclusion. They further indicate that dogs may or may not have any symptoms, and if they do get symptoms, they tend to be mild.
So far, all scientific evidence suggests transmission from people to ether pets and not the other way around.
The study shows that the only situation in which an animal is suspected of having served as a source of COVID-19 infection in people is during outbreaks in mink farms in both teh United States and Europe.
Based on this study, it is our suggestion that if someone is sick with COVID-19, a different member of the household or a friend should take care of the dogs until the owners has recovered. Said another way, treat your dog as you would any member of the household in terms of isolating them from anyone that is showing COVID-19 symptoms.
Coronavirus Symptoms in Dogs
Symptoms of coronavirus in dogs include shortness of breath, discharge from the eyes and nose, lethargy, coughing, fever, difficulty breathing, diarrhea or vomiting.
Since there is some risk that people can spread COVID-19 to dogs, we suggest limiting your dog's interaction with people outside of your immediate household. When walking dogs, keep them 6 feet away from people. Follow the human guidelines and keep your dog away from large gatherings.
If you are sick with COVID-19 (or think you are sick) do not come in contact with your dog or other pets. If you are the dogs sole caregiver, wash your hands and wear a mask when near your dog.
Should Dogs Wear Face masks?
The CDC recommends that dogs do not wear masks as they could harm your dog.
Can Dogs Carry COVID-19 on Their Hair, Skin or Fur?
According to the CDC there is no evidence that COVID-19 can spread from the hair, fur or skin of pets to people. Do not use products not specifically intended for dogs on their skin such as hand sanitizers. As your veterinarian if you have any concerns.
Can Dogs Spread Coronavirus?
The CDC indicates that there is no evidence that dogs "play a significant role in the spread of COVID-19.
If You Have Pets - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention