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How to Spot Diabetes in Dogs | Find a Reliable Vet | Caring for a Diabetic Dog
"As much as we might love our dogs and want them to live as healthy a life as possible, there is no denying that there are some health factors that we can’t avoid. If you have a dog that develops diabetes, you need to know how to care for them properly so they can still have a good quality of life. Here are some of the things that you should do."
How to Spot Diabetes in Dogs
As a responsible pet owner, you should be able to easily identify a change in your pets whenever one arises. One of the things you should be on the lookout for is an indication of diabetes in your dogs. A diabetic dog can be aged between 4 and 14, but most are diagnosed when they are around 7. If you have a dog approaching this age, make sure that you are on the lookout for some of the symptoms of diabetes.
In dogs, this can take many forms. Usually, you will notice excess water drinking and with it an increase in the times the dog needs to urinate. Your dog might also experience weight loss coupled with recurring infections. With dogs, you should especially be on the lookout for a cloudiness in the eyes. If you notice any of these symptoms, arrange a vet appointment so you can get a formal diabetes diagnosis.
Find a Reliable Vet
Your relationship with your dog’s vet is likely to be one of the most important that you have to deal with when managing their condition. If you do not have a vet that you go to regularly, you need to find one local to you and get your dog registered as soon as possible.
Your vet will be able to manage your dog’s condition and give you the best advice to be able to look after them. If you have any concerns, you should have your worries put to rest after a quick discussion with them. Of course, the cost of vet bills can add up – even if you are only going in for an annual check-up. Make sure that you take a look at dog insurance from The right insurance policy can prove to be invaluable in helping you manage the cost of your vet trips, no matter how many your dog might need.
Caring for a Diabetic Dog
Your vet should give you strict instructions on how to care for your diabetic dog. You might be required to monitor the glucose levels of your pet’s blood and urine. Your vet will be able to give you the tests needed to check this, and will tell you how to use them correctly.
It is also sometimes recommended that you put your dog on a high fibre diet. You should also make sure that you maintain the dog’s exercise routine, or up it to include daily exercise if you are a little bit lax for now. Most dogs with diabetes are able to live a normal life if they are cared for properly.
If you suspect that your dog might be diabetic, you need to make sure that you get this diagnosis confirmed as soon as possible. You might have to change a few things in your dog’s life to be able to adequately care for them, so make sure that you take on board all advice given to you. Though they might require blood tests and strict exercise, managing a dog’s diabetes can be simple enough when done properly. You should have no trouble giving them a good quality of life!