Extremely Sick Canine

by Beth Schultz
(Spencerport, NY)

Reader Question: What Is Wrong With My Dog?

We have a 2yr old Mastiff/pit mix, Perseus, male, he has been de-wormed, he was completely fine when all of a sudden he began 2vomit Bile, clear diarrhea, extreme fatigue/lethargy, drinks rarely then vomits it up right away, will not eat (even cooked meat/bland diet), barely moves and urinated & sat in it-all abnormal 4our baby!!

I am 7mo pregnant & husband lost job & we cannot afford a vet right now! :( His nose is dry, all these symptoms began Monday (now almost Thurs)!! Could he have gotten in 2 poison?? Also, 4 past month or so he had been shaking head back and forth like he had something in his ears! We cleaned them well w/ear care 4 dogs but our friend’s dog had something wrong w/his ears I believe. Please help us! I have 2 little boys scared 2 death we will lose our dear family member! :*(

Vet Suggestions For Extremely Sick Dog


Your dog needs to be seen by a veterinarian. His condition sounds quite serious and by not taking him in you risk losing him. I understand that finances are tight at the moment, but many veterinarians are willing to set up payment plans, help you open a line of credit with a third party, and come up with a plan for diagnosis and treatment that stays within your budget. Family and friends might also be willing to step in and help during this emergency situation.

Remember, the longer you wait to get your dog proper veterinary care, the more expensive and less successful his treatment will likely be.

Best of luck,

Jennifer Coates, DVM

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