Golden Retriever With Skin Issues

by Jon Oxley
(Houston, Texas)

My 5-year-old male Golden scratches almost constantly. At first, we treated for fleas (dip, spray home & yard), which seemed to give him temporary relief. The attached photo shows a black, dusty-appearing substance that's found mostly on hairless areas, though it does extend briefly into the perimeter. Within the thicker hair, we find pinkish to red, dry, crusty pimples. Some pimples are connected to others, and some are solitary. I'm unemployed at the moment and am not able to engage in 'shotgun' remedies. If possible, I would be extremely grateful if you could offer an effective solution or suggestion for my friend.

Jon Oxley

Editor Reply

Hi Jon,

Without a proper examination it is hard to know exactly what is going on with your Golden.

It sounds like your Golden's skin issue could be caused by one of several causes including allergies, skin infections, or other factors.

Here are a few suggestions that may help:

Bathe your dog with a gentle, hypoallergenic shampoo: This may help soothe the skin and reduce itching. Make sure not to bathe your dog too frequently, as this can strip natural oils and exacerbate skin issues.

Maintain a clean environment: Regularly clean your dog's bedding and vacuum your home to reduce allergens.

Groom your dog regularly: Brush your dog's coat to remove dead hair and distribute natural oils, which can help keep the skin healthy.

Consider your dog's diet: Sometimes, food allergies can contribute to skin issues. You might want to try a limited-ingredient diet or consult with a veterinarian about possible food sensitivities.

Monitor your dog's behavior: If your dog's scratching becomes excessive or the skin condition worsens, it's important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

If you're unable to afford a regular vet visit, you may want to reach out to a local animal shelter or look for low-cost veterinary clinics in your area. These organizations often provide affordable services and can help diagnose and treat your dog's skin condition.

Keep in mind that these suggestions are not a substitute for professional veterinary advice, and it's important to consult with a vet to determine the underlying cause of your dog's skin issues and find the most appropriate treatment.


Editor and Publisher
Dog Health Guide

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