How Long For a Dog Knot To Form

My mom and dad have rotties and I was wondering how long it takes for the dog knot to form. We have to hold the female because she just doesn't want to be bred and is very viscious without a muzzle on.

Vet Answer on Dog Know Formation

Hello there,

I am wondering why you want to breed a Rottweiler that does not want to be bred and who is vicious. These are not traits that we want passed on to the next generation! I have to recommend against breeding under these circumstances.

Dogs can remain tied for hours and if the female has very strong feeling against the breeding, she could pose a tremendous risk to any people who attempt to restrain her or to the male who would be unable to escape her attacks since he doesn't have the ability to “untie” at will.


Jennifer Coates, DVM

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Oct 14, 2013
Good advice
by: Anonymous

Thank you for telling that woman to not breed her would she like to be held down and a muzzle put on her.

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