How to Stop Dog Skin Allergy

Reader Question: How to Treat or Alleviate Dog Skin Allergy

My dog us a blonde five year old male Cocker spaniel, He has isolated bilateral flesh colored papules. They are firm and not umbilicated. There is no associated cancer symptom and no finding of lymphadenopathy. They are increasing in number but not size. The papules are mostly located around the outer ear and one at the back.

I have been told he has allergies. What should I try other then colloidal oatmeal or Benadryl before skin biopsy.

Suggestion from our Veterinarian on Dog Skin Allergy Treatment

Symptoms of flesh-colored skin papules, especially if they appeared recently, along with an increasing number of papules day by day can be classical signs of a dog skin allergy. However, we should understand that an initial assumption like this is not enough to identify and treat allergies.

Usually, allergies are caused by several allergens (dust, dust mites, food, pollens, grass, etc.). It is necessary to identify and remove the allergen and keep the dog isolated during the treatment or course of the allergy.

There are several things you can do other than colloidal oatmeal or Benadryl, but, I would say it is not wise to do anything unless you are sure. For example, you are already trying colloidal oatmeal and Benadryl, but apparently, it is not helping. Symptoms are still spreading across the skin.

It is important that if it is an allergy, the cause or allergen should be identified first. Starting with a complete medical history and physical examination by a veterinarian will determine the cause or if needed further probing, like through a ‘skin biopsy’ can be carried out.

You can relieve the symptoms by restricting the diet to more proteins and feeding an Omega 3 rich diets. There are anti-allergic shampoos you can use, but one should be careful because using the wrong product can result in dry skin. Similarly, you can use safe doses of cortisone drugs on your own but that too, won’t help much, since the underlying cause is still to be determined.

I would recommend that you consult a veterinarian immediately to get your dog examined before it is too late. Do not forget that with skin allergy symptoms comes bacterial and yeast infections which of course will worsen the condition of your dog.

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