My American Eskimo has developed Red Round Bumps with Scabs over Bumps

by Debby
(Hartford, Connecticut)

Reader Question: What has caused my American Eskimo to have developed red round bumps with scabs?

My 10 year old American Eskimo just developed red bumps on top of his head and neck area. They are spreading down his back. We took him right to the vets. The vet determined through shaving and cleaning the infected area on his head, and taking some cells from the bumps, that he has an allergic reaction to something. His temp was a little high. They have never seen this type of allergic reaction before. This reaction is NOT itchy.

He has inflamed lymph nodes in his neck but nowhere else. The vet told me that this is normal when an infection is present. It is like our swollen glands. He had blood shot eyes and they have since cleared up with the steroid eye drops I was given by the vet. I also have him on Benadryl and Clavomax per the vet. The vet checked his lungs and heart and determined them to be fine.

We are looking into taking him to Tufts University to the Dermatologist. I removed a wool rug we had recently purchased. I changed his canned food to match one of the top natural product dry foods. I had purchased a new collar for him and removed it. I had bought a fragrance for our home
and removed them as well.

We racked our brains over what we had changed over the past 30 days. I feel so sorry for my dog. He has a loud snort or snore when he sleeps sound, and he pants quite a lot. He always snored but not like this. He breathes fast and snorts loud.

He eats fine and acts fine other than his physical bumps and snorting/snoring and fast panting. The bumps are starting to dissipate with the Clavomax and Benadryl.

Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I would wish this on myself rather than my dog.

Vet’s suggestion for the cause of red round bumps with scabs on the skin of an American Eskimo


The lesions and other symptoms that you describe are not what we typically see with dog allergies, but they certainly can’t be ruled out entirely. Could he have been bitten or stung by something?

I like your current veterinarian’s approach. He is treating your dog symptomatically with medications that have the potential to do a lot of good with little risk of harm. As long as the lesions clear up and there isn’t a future reoccurrence, you don’t really need to figure out what the underlying issue was. But, if he fails to get better, certainly make that appointment with the veterinary dermatologist.


Jennifer Coates, DVM

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Oct 04, 2020
Did you ever figure out the problem
by: Anonymous

I was just wondering if you ever did fimd out what was wrong with your dog? My dog has the exact same problem and scabs look the same. Started on ears now spread to her neck. I've done alot of searches to tryband figure out what the deal is. None of the puctures ive seen looked quite like her issue until I saw yours and read. Please let me know. Thanks Jen

Oct 28, 2018
Breathing problems
by: Inge

My Pomeranian has congestive heart failure. Panting, heavy breathing and fluid accumulation in the lungs and sometime gray tong is part of this
condition. . Your dog may had a heart problem and proper medication can prolong a dogs life for years. Was there ever an EKG done on your dog?
I am sorry for your loss, knowing how painful it can be. My Pomeranian has now, after a few years of treatment developed kidney problems and I will soon have to put him to sleep which is breaking my heart.

May 23, 2018
Spots then scabs
by: Anonymous

My maltese has something very similar. She never had it until we moved from Virginia to Georgia when she was almost 11 yrs old. She's only 3 lbs so she has piddle pads in the house. I stopped letting her go in the grass for a while and they all cleared up. When she went back outside in the grass for a short period of time, she got more spots. I don't think there are any bugs. I think it is an allergy to something in the grass here.

Sep 19, 2017
Ridiculous answer
by: Anonymous

It would be excellent to find out what the underlying reason for the red bumps were- to prevent the dog from getting them again and going back to the vet again and putting him on meds again.

Apr 09, 2017
Red round bumps
by: Anonymous

I found the same thing on my old English bulldog. I use a chlorhexidine 3% wipe on his face for the folds. My vet recommended using it on the bumps it has cleared up a lot in less than a week almost gone. I thought it was allergies originally. But now I think it must be some kind of fungus.

Sep 08, 2015
Don't Wait
by: Anonymous

Take your dog to a competent vet, immediately.

Aug 21, 2015
Bumps with scabs
by: Anonymous

I found the same thing on my corgi dog, she is only a year and half.. What should I do?

Mar 24, 2012
Diagnosis follow-up
by: Debby

My American Eskimo unknown symptoms dilemma was just approved and posted. However, on 11-15-2010, one week after our dog, Chico, developed these red round bumps, he died. My husband and I were never so devastated. We had rushed him to the vet that week for the third time because he was short of breath. We asked for another doctor's opinion at our vet, and he was diagnosed with "possibly cancer". He had lung and heart edema this time. His tongue and gums were turning gray for lack of oxygen. He readily received oxygen along with the agreed upon cancer treatment to try and save his life. His tongue and gums returned to pink and normal. But his little heart gave out. He had a heart attack and died.

We, now, don't believe he had cancer. Sometimes cancer is a catch-all for not knowing what is wrong. We, also, don't believe he had an allergy either. We just don't know what killed our dog. We feel so badly that our Chico is gone at age 9 and we don't even know why. We did everything we could. I, constantly, nursed him that week. I know he knew we were trying to help him. We, also, knew that he wasn't in any pain with these unknown sores. But we didn't realize that he was developing edema until the very end.

As Christians, we are very thankful to God for allowing us to know and take care of Chico for 9 years. We believe every paw print that has touched our hearts in this life on earth is waiting for us in heaven. And what a reunion it will be!

I posted this for others who may have dogs with the same symptoms. It's fatal. A proper diagnosis is needed followed by the correct treatment.

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