Pet scan for multiple myeloma or canine plasma cell myeloma is a cancer that affects the white blood cells. Mylemoa originates in the bone marrow and occurs when cancerous cells cause an unusual number of antibodies to be created. The cancer attacks your dog's bones, causing pain.
There is no specific breed, age or sex that is more likely to be subject to a pet scan for multiple myeloma.
Symptoms of Canine Multiple Myleoma
Increasing levels of weakness over time is the number one sign of Canine Multiple Myeloma. The symptoms can be very difficult to detect. Broken bones can also be a symptom since the disease wears away to bone. Other symptoms may include bleeding from the gums and odd behavior due to neurological (brain) problems.
Diagnosis of Canine Pet Scans for Multiple Myeloma
It may take more than a year of symptoms to determine if your dog should get pet scans for multiple myeloma. Diagnosis of canine or dog myeloma requires at least two of the following criteria:
- Radiographic evidence of the degeneration of bone tissue (osteolysis)
- 20% plasma cells in bone marrow aspiration or biopsies
- cloning (copies) of plasma cells
- multiple tumors in the bone marrow (Bence-Jones proteinuria)
Treatment of Canine Multiple Myeloma
Chemotherapy is used to treat this type of cancer. Approximately 50% of dogs respond to the treatment. If your dog responds, you can expect survival for one or more years. If you decide against chemotherapy, painkillers can ensure that your dog maintains some quality of life without pain.
Canine Multiple Myeloma
Meredith Maczuzak, DVM; Kenneth S. Latimer, DVM, PhD; Paula M. Krimer, DVM, DVSc; and Perry J. Bain, DVM, PhD
Class of 2003 (Maczuzak) and Department of Pathology (Latimer, Krimer, Bain), College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7388
Nutrition and Cancer: New Keys for Cure and Control 2003!
Gregory K. Ogilvie, DVM, DACVIM (Internal Medicine & Oncology)
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO, USA
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