Slow Maturing Lower Jaw

by Jehnet Carlson

Do you have any thoughts on slow maturing lower jaws?

I had one liter of 16 with 4 pups with problems. We tried taking some of the gum away early on not sure that made a difference. Pulled the displaced lower canines on 3 of them. They all came in fine with their permanent teeth. I have heard letting them chew on bones and balls to try to spread the teeth, leave it and ignore it will be fine with the permanent teeth Now in a liter I have now there are two with displaced lower canine's

Editor Comment

Hi Jehnet,

Displaced or misaligned teeth can be a result of several factors, including genetics, or oral development issues. In some cases, slow maturing lower jaws may contribute to misaligned teeth. If you're noticing these issues recurring in litters, it could be beneficial to consult with a veterinarian, specifically one with expertise in dental issues, to determine if there is an underlying cause.

For puppies with displaced lower canines or other dental issues, early intervention is often helpful. This might include removing baby teeth, adjusting the gum tissue, or using orthodontic devices to help guide teeth into proper alignment. Providing appropriate chew toys or bones can be beneficial for promoting proper dental development and preventing future dental problems.

It's essential to monitor these puppies closely and consult with your veterinarian to determine the best course of action for each individual case. They can provide guidance on whether to intervene or wait for the permanent teeth to come in, as well as how to manage any dental issues that may arise. Additionally, working with a veterinarian can help ensure that any breeding decisions take into account the health and well-being of future litters.


Editor and Publisher
Dog Health Guide

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