Strange Dog Paw Growth
by Mary Lee
(Memphis, TN)
Picture Dog Paw Problem
My dog has a growth I noticed 2 weeks ago on a front paw. It is bright pinkish red and he limps. I have noticing him lick the area a lot and have seen it bleed. Could this be a tumor, infection or cyst? I am treating it with antibacterial soap and an antibiotic gel to see if there is improvement before I take him to the vet.
Editor Suggestion Growth on Dog PawDear Mary Lee,
Yes, the dog paw problem you describe could be any of those. The best way to know for sure is to have your veterinarian examine it. If he or she thinks it might be an infection, antibiotics and maybe opening the area up and flushing it out could be an option (perhaps he stepped on something and there is a small piece of it still lodged inside).
If it looks more like a tumor, removing it or at least taking a small sample and submitting it to a pathologist for examination should give you an answer. Many foot pad masses are benign, and if your veterinarian can remove it all during surgery your dog could be cured with surgery alone. If it is a more aggressive, other treatment options might also be available.
Good luck,
Jennifer Coates, DVM